In 1641 all males, aged 18 and above, were required to pledge their allegiance to the Church of England.

Lists were compiled consisting of the signatures or marks of those who did so.
Protestation Returns 1641 Bridestowe
Austine, Roger gent Frend, Richard Saunders, James
Beckalake, Arthur Gill, John Seilly, Ellis
Beckalake, John Gill, William Sheer, John
Bidlake, Henry gent Gubbin, Leonard Sinkell, Walter
Blachford, John Hawton, JohnSmyth, John jun.
Blachford, WalterHawton, Walter Smyth, John sen.
Brey, RichardHowell , Edmund Smyth, William jun.
Burrough, Nicholas Jefferye, Michael Smyth, William sen
Calmadie, Sir Shilstone Kt Johnes, Robert Soper, Edmund
 Knight, PancrasSoper, John
Calmadie, Josias EsqLillicrapp, Walter Soper, Peter
Calmadie, Shilstone gentLillicrapp, RobertStandon, Thomas
 Macka La Hane, JohnStockman, Thomas
Colling, WalterMarten, DanielTapplye, Richard
Coone, WilliamMayior, Daniel Taverner, John
Crossman, Edward Mill, WilliamTaverner, Thomas
Crossman, JohnMungey, HughTrebell, William
Crossman, ThomasNewcome, Andrew Treloder, William
Crossman, William Newton, James Vine, Stephen
Cruse, Walter Newton, Roger Walkey, Toby
Dachcome, John Newton, ThomasWalter, Peter of Bidlake Mill
Dod, JohnNorth, Peter 
Dod, RichardParson, HughWalter, Peter of Verworthie
Doide, WilliamPelly, William 
Doidge, Philip Peckord, HumphreyWalter, Peter jun
Doidge, RobertPelly, WilliamWalter, William
Dowe, RogerPerson, GeorgeWeekes, John
Ebsworthie, Alexander Poade, Samuel White, John
Ebsworthie, Paul gentPrust, RichardWhite, John
Ebsworthie, Peter sen. gent Redstone, Richard senWilkey, John
 Redstone, Richard junWilliams, Richard of Bremlham
Ebsworthie, Peter jun. gent Reed, Edward  
 Reed, Thomas Williams, Stephen
Ebsworthie, Peter of Ebsworthie Town Roundle, RobertWilliams, Thomas
 Rowndell, John Wonacott, Thomas
Ebsworthie, RichardSaunders, Edward Yoldon, John
Freece, GeorgeSaunders, EzekielYoldon, Richard
James Tooker Curate Henry Home Overseer
William Ebsworthie Constable Richard Tickell Overseer
Richard Tapson Constable John Quint Churchwarden
Walter Gill Overseer 
(All the above names in the same hand)
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